'Miss World Bangladesh' Kicks-Off, Judges Are Sara Zaker And Mou
Photo Credit / Source: Masum joy

The Miss World Bangladesh beauty contest has resumed after a two-year hiatus. Recently, registration for the upcoming season also began. Sara Zaker, an actor, and Sadia Islam Mou, a model, will serve as the judges for this competition. On Thursday, a news conference was held to disclose this information.

At the Miss World Bangladesh 2022 news conference were representatives of the organizing partner Asiatic and the official franchise Omicon Entertainment. Sadia Islam Mou, a model and actress, served as one of the contest judges. One of them, Sara Zaker, was unable to attend the news conference because she was abroad.

"I feel really pleased to be a judge at such an event," Mou said. The tagline "Beauty with Purpose" is also excellent. So let the woman go forward, I say. You can, of course.

"Miss World Bangladesh" is not seeking for any models, according to Mehedi Hasan, head of the organizing organization Omicon Entertainment and Omicon Group. Through this competition, role models are sought.

At the press conference were two previous Miss World Bangladesh contestants, Jessia Islam and Jannatul Ferdous Oishi. Among them, Jessia received recognition in the first event in 2017, while Oishi received the crown the following year.

It should be mentioned that the pandemic caused the "Miss World Bangladesh" organization to cease operations after 2019. It recently began the registration process. Until November 25, interested candidates may register on the event's Facebook page or via the official website (www.missworldbangladesh.com). The nation will send one champion to compete on the "Miss World" stage worldwide.