Laser Vision, a popular production house, is set to showcase a new drama titled 'Bouer Bidesh Jatra' on their official YouTube channel. Directed and conceptualized by the prominent Ziauddin Alam, the drama presents a tale rooted in rural folklore, exploring the stories of several unscrupulous individuals who are involved in sending wives abroad.
Comedian-actor Jamil Hossain leads the cast of 'Bouer Bidesh Jatra'. The drama also features talented actors Emu Sikder, Seljuk Tariq, Noore Kanchan Chowdhury, Fatema Hira, Ahmed Ishtiaq, and Nasir Uddin Bulbul. The engaging dialogues and captivating screenplay are the brainchild of Delwar Hossain Dil, while the visual storytelling has been enhanced by Ameer Hamza's cinematography.
'Bouer Bidesh Jatra' is produced under the banner of Laser Vision and made its debut on their YouTube channel last Thursday at 3 pm. The background music, a crucial component of the drama, is the creative work of Anuruddha Subh. The aesthetic appeal of the drama is further elevated by TD Deepak's skilled editing and color grading.
Director Ziauddin Alam, discussing the drama, said, "This is my fourth production with Jamil. My previous three dramas, revolving around expatriates and the middle class, have been well-received by the audience. I hope 'Bouer Bidesh Jatra' will continue this successful streak and be warmly received by viewers.