Adhora Khan Starrer Film 'Border' Directed By Saikat Nasir Has Been Renamed 'Sultanpur'
Photo Credit / Source: Provided by Adhora Khan

Saikat Nasir, a filmmaker, created a compelling film that delves into the lives of those in the border areas. Accompanied by Adhora Khan's performance, this film was submitted to the Censor Board for approval but hit a snag. Despite the film's powerful message, the title and some scenes were deemed controversial by the board at the time. Nonetheless, Nasir edited and renamed "Border" to "Sultanpur" to satisfy the boards' demands. Finally, the film was approved without any alterations, allowing viewers to enjoy the impactful storytelling of Nasir and Khan.

Film industry expert Sohanoor Rahman Sohan reviews the latest movie directed by Saikat. With high praise for the director's skills, Sohan also provides constructive feedback on specific scenes and dialogues. Despite this, he assures fans that the film remains intact and presents the director with some wise advice on avoiding controversy. Sohan believes the word "border" is sensitive and may benefit from avoiding the title altogether. Wishing the film success, he leaves fans with high hopes for Saikat's latest masterpiece.

Adhora Khan Starrer Film 'Border' Directed By Saikat Nasir Has Been Renamed 'Sultanpur'
Photo Credit / Source: Provided by Adhora Khan

Photo: Provided by Adhora Khan

The filmmaker behind the new movie has exciting news to share. The border where the movie takes place has now been rebranded as "Sultanpur." Additionally, the movie has received approval for an unedited release, with high praise from the Censor Board members. Fans of the film won't have to wait long to see it, as the release date has been set for January of next year. This is definitely a film to keep an eye on.

Asad Zaman's Sultanpur had a star-studded cast with Ashish Khandekar leading the pack. Along with Khandekar, the film featured an ensemble of talented actors including Sanju John, Rashed Mamun Apu, Moumita Mou, Shaheen Mridha, and many others. The film was a magnificent display of filmmaking that left a lasting impression on its audience.